How can I protect myself from keyloggers?


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Nov 13, 2018
Avoid keyloggers by avoiding the user mistakes that lead to their ability to infect phones and computers. It starts with keeping your operating system, your applications, and web browsers up to date with the latest security patches. Always be skeptical about any attachments you receive, especially unexpected ones even if they seem to come from someone you know. When in doubt, contact the sender to ask. Keep your passwords long and complex, and avoid using the same one for different services.

Real-time, always-on antivirus/anti-malware protection is the gold standard for preventing not only infection from a keylogger, but also from all other associated malware threats. For all platforms and devices, from Windows and Android, Mac and iPhones, to business environments, Malwarebytes is a first-line defense against the relentless onslaught of cybercriminal attacks.

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