Big Carding Tutorial Part 3 Share From


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Nov 11, 2018
Phishing over the phone
Phishing over the phone for details
Ever had telemarketers ask for your credit card info over the phone? (this is if you haven’t already hung up by just hearing a nigger or paki on the phone) chances are these obvious scams. Even more people fall for this if they believe that the caller is from the credit card company itself or part of the secret service or credit fraud investigations; the FBI, CIA and police have nothing at all to do with credit card fraud believe it or not. If you sound professional or part of an important group such as investigations then people are more likely to comply with you if they believe that their card has been used for credit fraud purposes and have to give their credit card info and billing address for verification. The best time to call up the mark is when asap so that they can get back to work. Also if it’s “serious” then the secret service you’re pretending to be. Some social engineering skills are required and you must gain the experience of lying to people yourself. Before calling up the person find out as much information about them as you can.
If you’ve stolen a CC from someone personally you can call them up pretending to be from places such as South Africa, Nigeria, Turkey, Russia; places like that, get them to confirm their details (milk as much as you want out of them, ask them bullshit security questions such as their mother’s maiden name, address, etc; you may as well, it’ll make it easier to get a COB for you to use).
You can also get their PIN out of them if you want as well by either straight out asking them to confirm it, or be crafty and after you’ve told them to verify their PIN the phone for a few mins, have a female voice recording (use AV vocie changer) asking them to input their PIN on their dialpad (this won’t be as suspicious); get these recorded so they can be decoded with DTMF decoding hardware/software later
If you try hard enough you can get full info about anyone over the phone (I suggest using spoof-card for this).

Keylogging for CVV2s
Hardware keylogging
First of all it’s best if you use hardware keyloggers here that you put into the keyboard of a computer belonging to an area where a lot of people are going online a lot and logging into e-mails, ebays, paypals etc, pretty much giving you enough info for you to go searching through if you get in their e-mails, or maybe you’re lucky
And come back within 2 days time or so and collect the keylogger after doing some browsing yourself (as to not look suspicious just coming in and then leaving a few seconds later).
Or of course you could set one up in a business and do the classic call in and do some social engineering from the credit card company or secret service and have them go to the bank online and have them log in to verify, or maybe even have them log in to a fake bank online made by yourself that will collect anyone’s info who logs in on it.

Carding Instore
to a CR-80 piece of plastic and then either cashing out at the ATM or shopping for goods instore, as long as you have the PIN as well through whatever method you choose to use.
How it’s done is through the use of thejerm software or any other magstripe utility software (thejerm is the best to use). And you do it like this (Written by: Acetrace):

  1. Load up thejerms software
  2. hit settings tab
  3. hit “Defaults” in Leading Zeros box
  4. hit “75 bpi” in Set Track 2 density box
  5. go bak to actions
  6. hit LoCo or HiCo in Coercivity box, depending on which you want to do
  7. input your tracks 1 & 2 (without the % ; or ? symbols because the program already does it for you)
  8. hit Write Card and swipe your card. (i usually do a read card afterwards to make sure everything went ok)
Now how you should act when you go carding instore is pretty much common sense, but some people get caught up in the moment with nerves, cockiness or just too much weird amounts of excitement.
Don’t be stuck at the counter trying to remember it. If you’re going to be carding expensive goods then dress smart for the occasion, wear brand named clothing (that you’ve previously carded Razz) or even a suit. It would look suspicious someone with a you go instore, you ACT like you are using your own card, because essentially that’s what it is (well it is now anyway lol) no looking shifty and don’t look at the fucking cameras; the cameras mean nothing anyway, they don’t know your name or where you live, remember you’re doing nothing wrong. When you go in, don’t rush take your time, browse around some other items. Find the item you want to card and even ask the employee simple questions about it (if it’s a TV or comp just ask questions about certain specs and if it’s good for playing video games on). You’ll be most nervous at the checkout, just act as normal as you always have been, don’t make too much small talk but be polite and civil. Once you have the good sin your hands don’t bolt out the door, just say thank you and then casually walk out the door, get to your car and then celebrate all you want.

Carding over the phone
Extra lulz you could use a beige box and call from someone else’s phone but that’s a chance that you do get caught so we’ll keep it simple and use a payphone (it’s not AS risky to phreak these but the only recent red box tones I have are from the year 2007 and I’m pretty sure they’d have changed the system again…bastards, I’ll check sometime though . The next day postage is said so that they have less time to look up details on the order. Some cards will have difficulty shipping to any address other than the billing address, but it doesn’t hurt to try. If they start to question you then just answer the questions and talk your way around the situation with your social engineering skills; don’t just run away from the questions or hang up straight away, otherwise that is cause for suspicion and they may investigate. If all goes well you should have your item of choice delivered to your drop location or a house of someone else’s address who you don’t know and call them up saying that you called up the store and they’ve sent the package to the wrong address and it is still sending there, and work (this is a last resort and only to be tried if you’re good at talking to people, which you should be if you’re a carder). I recommend checking out the section on drops later on in this text.
I recommend using spoofcard for verification over the payphone, if they need to verify (if they won’t send without some verification which is usually the case).

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