Hardware vs. software keyloggers


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Nov 13, 2018
Keyloggers come in at least two broad flavors—hardware devices and the more familiar software variety. Hardware devices can be embedded in the internal PC hardware itself, or be an inconspicuous plugin that’s secretly inserted into the keyboard port between the CPU box and the keyboard cable so that it intercepts all the signals as you type. But that means that the cybercriminal has to have physical access to the PC while you’re not present in order to plant the hardware keyloggers.

Software keyloggers are much easier to introduce to and install on victims’ devices, which is why that variety is much more common. Unlike other kinds of malware, software keyloggers are not a threat to the systems they infect themselves. In fact, the whole point of keyloggers is to work behind the scenes, sniffing out the keystrokes while the computer continues to operate normally. But even if they don’t harm the hardware, keyloggers are definitely a threat to users, especially when they steal sensitive data.

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