Installation of Red Hawk :


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Nov 13, 2018
Step 1: Turn on your Kali Linux operating system and Move to the Desktop using the following command.

cd Desktop

Step 2: Create a new directory on Desktop and name it redhawk.

mkdir redhawk

Step 3: Now move to redhawk directory.

cd redhawk

Step 4: Now within this directory you have to download the RedHawk tool, or You have to simply git clone from Github.

git clone

Step 5: As you can see Now you have downloaded Redhawk from GitHub using the git clone command. Now you have to move on RED_HAWK directory using the following command.


Step 6: Now you are under RED_HAWK directory where you have to run the tool. Now to list out the content of the tool type following command


Step 7: You can see many files here such as config.php, Dockerfile, LICENSE, rhawk.php, var.php these files are the main files of the tool.

Now run the tool type following command and press enter.

php rhawk.php

Step 8: Now you have to choose between HTTP and HTTPS.

Step 9: Now you will a screen like this is the screen of the tool after setting domain

Step 10: Now you can see scanning is completed.

Scanning is completed we have scanned and we found IP address, and we found web server gws, similarly, we can run the tool again and again and can find out many vulnerabilities and options. So this is the full approach for scanning using RED HAWK.

Step 10: Now choose the options according to your requirements just like if you want to choose option 0 so type 0.


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